We are a place of worship, reflecting the ideals of sacrifice and service.
Since the parish was established in 1988, we have grown significantly. Through the generosity of Time, Talent and Treasure of our parishioners, our beautiful new Church was dedicated on December 12, 2009. In fact, we now have more than 2,500 registered families and more than 50 ministries, programs and organizations. A true testament to the activity of our parish is reflected in the 200 students we have in our Religious Education programs and our extremely active high school and middle school youth groups.
Experience God's Presence

- Monday through Saturday morning - 8:00am
- Friday noon Mass - September through May
- Saturday Vigil - 4:00pm
- Saturday Spanish Mass - 6:00pm
- Sunday Masses - 8:00am , 9:45am, 11:30am and 6:00pm
- Confessions: Saturdays - 2:00 to 3:00pm
- The Adoration Chapel is open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:30am to 7:00pm
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Grant Proposal
Request for Proposal
Bid Number: 2021100
Bid Title: Physical Security Enhancements
Status: OPEN
Our Lady Queen of Apostles, a Florida Non-profit organization located in Royal Palm Beach, Florida, is accepting proposals for alarm systems, physical access control, impact-resistant windows, lighting, fencing and bollards, and surveillance cameras until March 11, 2024 at 1:00 pm, at Our Lady Queen of Apostles, 100 Crestwood Blvd. S., Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 Building 4. Proposals received after the aforementioned date and time will be returned unopened. The sealed proposals will be publicly opened on March 12, 2024.
Sealed proposal envelopes should be marked “RFP for Physical Security Enhancements 2021100”. The Non-Profit shall evaluate the proposals in accordance with the criteria set forth in the RFP. The Non-Profit anticipates an award to the proposer with the proposal determined by the Non-Profit to be most advantageous. The Non-Profit may conduct interviews and/or require presentations as part of the evaluation process. The Non-Profit shall not be liable for any costs incurred by any proposer in connection with its response to this RFP. The Non-Profit reserves the right to reject all RFP submittals, waive any formalities, solicit and re-advertise for new RFP submittals, or to abandon the project in its entirety.
Publication Date/Time: February 28, 2024 at 1:00 pm
Publication Information: website
Closing Date/Time: March 11, 2024 at 1:00 pm
Site Name: Our Lady Queen of Apostles
POC Name: Chris Winters, Grant Manager and Proposal Administrator
Email: chrisw@olqa.cc
“Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.”